Who we are

Mr. Fekadu Agonafer

Acting Director General Accounting and Auditing Board of Ethiopia

Mrs. Tsewaye Muluneh

Deputy Director General Accounting and Auditing Board of Ethiopia

Message from the Acting  General Director

Welcome to the Accounting and Auditing Board of Ethiopia’s official website. As the Acting Director General, I am honored to share our vision and ongoing initiatives that underscore the crucial role of the accounting and auditing profession in fostering the integrity and transparency of our financial systems.

At the heart of our mission is a steadfast commitment to upholding the highest standards of professional practice and ethical conduct within Ethiopia. We recognize that the strength and reliability of our financial information are pivotal to the economic development and public trust in our financial systems.

Our current initiatives are focused on several key areas:

Enhancing Financial Reporting and Audit Quality: We are dedicated to continuously improving the quality of financial reporting and auditing practices. Through rigorous reviews and assessments, we ensure that our financial systems are robust and transparent.

Investing in Professional Development: Recognizing the importance of skilled practitioners, we are committed to making necessary regulatory changes/amendments and investing in the ongoing professional development of accountants and auditors. This includes an initiative to establishing institute of certified accountants in Ethiopia to provide cutting-edge relevant certifications, trainings and resources to keep our professionals at the forefront of industry standards.

Collaborating with Stakeholders: We believe in the power of collaboration and are actively working with relevant stakeholders and institutions. Our goal is to enhance the pipeline of talent entering the accounting and auditing professions, ensuring that we nurture the next generation of financial stewards.

Strengthening Oversight and Enforcement: To safeguard the integrity of the profession and instill public trust, we are enhancing the Board’s oversight and enforcement mechanisms. This ensures that our practices not only meet but exceed global standards of reliability and transparency.

Harmonizing Regulatory Frameworks: In an increasingly globalized economy, aligning our regulatory frameworks with international best practices is crucial. We are dedicated to ensuring that Ethiopian accountants and auditors are equipped to operate seamlessly within the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and global markets.

Our efforts are geared towards creating a financial environment where integrity, accountability, and excellence are paramount. We invite you to explore our website and learn more about our initiatives and how we are shaping the future of accounting and auditing in Ethiopia.

Thank you for your continued support and engagement.

Fikadu Agonafer

Acting Director General

Accounting and Auditing Board of Ethiopia

About us

The Accounting and Auditing Board of Ethiopia is a statutory body established under CMR 332/2015 basing the financial reporting proclamation 847/2014, with the primary purpose of protecting the public interest. To achieve this, AABE is responsible for regulating the profession as well as for issuing a national professional accountancy qualification that is recognized internationally. 

Among others, its responsibilities include setting Accounting and Auditing standards and code of conduct to regulate the behavior of professionals; register and certify professionals and firms to provide such services; review and monitor the work of professionals and firms rendering accountancy and/or audit services and reporting entities; providing professional qualification training, supporting education and continuous professional development programs; enforcing the financial reporting law and taking disciplinary measures on those who do not comply with the provisions of the law and the regulation set by the Government and directives, other relevant policies and guidelines issued by the Board.


Protect the public interest by monitoring the implementation of international financial reporting and Auditing Standards.


To be internationally recognized independent regulatory body of the accountancy profession in Ethiopia.


H.E Dr. Eyob Tekalgn

State Minister, Ministry of Finance. Board Director, Accounting and Auditing Board of Ethiopia.

Mr. Solomon Deseta

Vice Governor, National Bank of Ethiopia.

Dr. Brook Taye

Director General, Ethiopian Capital Market Authority.

Eng. Melaku Lzezew

President, Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations.

H.E Tesfaye Daba.

State Minister, Ministry of Justice.

Mr. Getnet Haile

President, Accounting Society of Ethiopia.

Ato Shibeshi Bettemariam

Secretariat, Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations.

H.E Feseha Yitagesu

State Minister, Ministry of Trade and Regional Integration.

H.E Meseret Damtie

Federal Auditor General.

Mr. Solomon Engda Alemu

Director General, Legal Affairs at Office of the Prime Minister.

Dr. Samuel Kifle

President of Addis Ababa University.

H.E Tesfaye Tulu.

State Minister, Ministry of Revenue

Mr. Fekadu Agonafer Dilnesaw

A/General Director

Director General Office
Tel. +251-11 1 540910

Mrs. Tsewaye Muluneh

Deputy Director General

Mr. Abebe Shiferaw Jogora

Executive, Public Relation and Communication

Tel. +251-11 1 540900

Mr. Worku Alemu Dille

Lead Executive, Finance, Audit & Assurance and Corporate Governance

Mr. Abere Negeri Geleta

Lead Executive, Professional, Professional Associations Recognition and Monitoring

Tel. +251-11 1 540955

Mr. Lemma Eshetu Nigatu

Lead Executive, Reporting Entities Registration, Research and Data Administration

Tel. +251-11 1 540914

Mr. Worku Addis Mihretu

Lead Executive, Law Enforcement

Tel. +251-11 8 681298

Mr. Ahmed Mohammed Beyan

A/Lead Executive, Financial Report Review and Audit Quality Assurance

Tel. +251-11 1 541565

Bilateral Memorandum of Understanding (BMOU)

BMOU for Co-Operation in the Exchange of Information for Quality of Financial Reports. The approved BMOU by the AABE and partners enables and strengthens the cooperation amongst the bodies to encourage quality of the process and products of financial statements and reduce redundancy of regulations amongst the signatories. 

BMOU List of Signatories – current signatories

  1. Pan African Federation of Accountants, PAFA
  2. Ministry of Revenue
  3. Ethiopian Commodity Exchange, ECX
  4. Addis Ababa City Administration Revenue Office
  5. FDRE Financial Intelligence Center, FIC