The Latest from AABE

Quality Assurance Review Workshop

which brought together leaders of audit practice regulators from over 25 African countries to validate it’s quality assurance review guidelines and train the leaders. The workshop commenced on 19th March honored with a keynote address by HE Eyob Tekalign Tolina(PhD) State Minister of Finance and AABE Board Chairman, welcoming remarks by HE Meseret Damtie Chaniyalew Auditor General at Office of the Federal Auditor General, Ethiopia, Hikmet Abdella Director General of the Accounting and Auditing Board of Ethiopia, and George Mokua Quality Advisory Group Chairman of PAFA.

Conversations are underway to share experiences beyond validating the guidelines and on streamlining quality review methodologies in Africa including potential resource sharing between regulators and PAOs within Africa.

Our appreciation and special thanks goes to PAN AFRICAN FEDERATION OF ACCOUNTANTS Ministry of Finance, Ethiopia Office of the Federal Auditor General, Ethiopia Eyob Tekalign Tolina(PhD) Meseret Damtie Chaniyalew George Mokua Admire Ndurunduru Tuhobol viswajithsing Hikmet Abdella Professor Bernard Peter Agulhas CA (SA) Kwame Ampim-Darko and all the participants for the dedication and invaluable contributions along the workshop sponsors BDO Ethiopia Million Kibret ACCA Michael Tamrat Gedyelew.